Saturday, November 16, 2013

New surgery date

They have rescheduled my hip surgery for this Wednesday with a three day hospital stay.  A new adventure begins!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Change of Plans

My orthopedic surgeon called a couple of days ago and said that after looking over the CAT scans and consulting some anatomy books and a collegue, that he felt he was not the surgeon for the job.  The extraneous bone growth is laying alongside my femoral artery and that is a rather high risk surgery for someone not used to that kind of thing.  So he referred me to a surgeon that specializes in orthopedic tumor removal.  He is used to sensitive things like this and can access difficult places in creative ways.

So. . . no surgery tomorrow as scheduled.  I will meet with Dr. Scott on Tuesday for consultation and suppose that a surgery date will be set then.  In the meantime, I am improving and getting my right leg stronger which will help in recovery after surgery.  I even walked across the street to church on Sunday just holding Karen's hand.

Again, and I'll say it often, I am the answer to your prayers.  I still need them, though.  I'm not quite done!  My love to you all.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

All About Gratitude

To all my friends and Family:
I'm up and running well enough now that I had Jayne show me how to use this blog.  I was going through the many cards I received from so many.  I am a very blessed man to have so many that have prayed for me and expressed their concern and well wishes.  I will repost this on the Facebook
"For the Love of Keith Longmore"

I simply cannot respond to all who wrote, visited and called.  Though this is against the age old rules of etiquette, I hope all of you won't be offended by this kind of an expression of gratitude.  I have been told over and over by my caregivers and doctors that my recovery is nothing short of a miracle.  One professional told me there were seven things that happened to me, any one of which should have killed me.  I sincerely want my friends and family to know that I am an answer to your prayers.  God has given me a second chance to do my best to bless my fellow man and woman.

I am walking now without the aid of a walker.  Actually I waddle more than walk, but that should be taken care of with the hip surgery I will have on Thursday.  My physical therapist says I'll be going great guns by Christmas.  The lead trauma surgeon (who refused to give up on me) told me yesterday that I should be riding my bicycle outside this spring.  Woo hoo!  I'll have the spring and summer to get back into good condition before going back to teaching in the fall.

My employer and my insurance company have be VERY good to me.  The support group around me has been awesome.  Almost everyday one of my colleagues from work comes to visit me and even take me for a walk around the block.  I have heard from dear high school and college friends.  That has touched me deeply.  This has pulled my crazy family together in nice ways.  They have taken good care of me.  My wife has been a rock.  I married well.

I will still get on here occasionally until my recovery is complete.  I've had a few requests to do so.  May our most powerful God bless you for your love and concern.  While the world races toward evil and darkness, those who choose to follow God can still bask in His Light, Safety, and Strength.  My testimony of God's power is solidified in my trials.

Thank you again.  My love to you all.